ProBux Information & Latest News
ProBux is a Elite PTC Site Now a days.
We are sharing all information relates ProBux.
Standard Members (Free)
Fixed Ads: 4 | 0.01$ | Other Ads: 20 to 40 | 0.001$ | Direct Referrals Click: 0.0005$ (per fixed ad view) Limit: 100 DR
Rented Referrals Click: 0.005$ (per fixed ad view) Limit: 200 RR
Minimum Payout: 5$ | Cash Out: Instant
Payment Processors: PayPal | Payza
Golden Membership (80$ Per Year)
Fixed Ads: 8 | 0.01$ | Other Ads: 20 to 50 | 0.001$ | Direct Referrals Click: 0.005$ (per fixed ad view) Limit: 200 DR
Rented Referrals Click: 0.01$ (per fixed ad view) Limit: 2000 RR
Minimum Payout: 5$ | Cash Out: Instant
Payment Processors: PayPal | Payza
Ultimate Membership (790$ Per Year)
Fixed Ads: 10 | 0.01$ | Other Ads: 20 to 70 | 0.001$ | Direct Referrals Click: 0.01$ (per fixed ad view) Limit: unlimited DR
Rented Referrals Click: 0.01$ (per fixed ad view) Limit: 4000 RR
Minimum Payout: 5$ | Cash Out: Instant
Payment Processors: PayPal | Payza
Other Information:
Nearly through out a day other ads view maximum 50 to 70 ads.
All Information are related with Probux and it is true you verified all data after login in probux account